Wyndstar Kennels Australian Shepherds and Miniature American Shepherds
Pedigree of AKC/ASCA  CH Agua Dulce Just Add Pearls

Ch Heatherhill Montel Williams
Ch Brigadoons One Arrogant Dude
Ch Arrogance of Heatherhill CD STDd
Ch Windermeres Sunshine of Bonnie Blu CDX
Ch Sweet Seasons of Heatherhill
Ch Patch-Works River Fog
Ch Tri-Ivory Ruff Rider CD
Ch Windsongs Foggi Notion
Ch Oprah Winfree of Heatherhill
Ch Agua Dulce Final Option Ch Winchesters Rollin Rapids
Ch Country Hotline of Agua Dulce CDX
Moonspinner of Brigadoon
Ch Brigadoons Moonraker
Ch Windswept of Windermere CD
Agua Dulce Denim-N-Pearls
Agua Dulce Final Cut
Ch Agua Dulce Final Option Ch Winchesters Rollin Rapids
Ch Country Hotline of Agua Dulce CDX
Ch Jubilees Fortune Teller
Ch Jubilees Federal Agent
Jubilees Prim N' Proper
Ch Agua Dulce Classy Caboose
Ch Tri-Ivory Roquefort of Higgins CD
Ch Arrogance of Heatherhill CD STDd
Patch-Work Isis
Ch Country Hotline of Agua Dulce CDX
Ch Winchesters Hotline
Taycins Country Girl CD